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How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property

Before you started your career as a landlord, you might remember a time in your life when you were a tenant. And if so, you'll recall the dread you felt when the landlord called you to mention a property inspection.

Cue a few days of frantic cleaning, rearranging, and checking for damage you might have overlooked the last time you had a house party.

As a landlord, you probably have a different perspective nowadays. So, how can you balance your tenant's needs with your timeline for rental property inspections? This short guide has the answers you need.

The Legal Framework on Tenant Rights

It's essential to familiarise yourself with the legal framework surrounding property inspections. In North Alabama, that means understanding rules at the federal and state levels.

You should start by reading the relevant section of the Alabama Tenant Act, also known as the Alabama Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.

It will tell you essential information, such as the timeframe for notifying tenants about an inspection. Currently, that's two days. The exception to this rule is if the inspection is for an emergency.

Inspection Frequency

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property

The best way to determine the optimum frequency of your inspections is by considering your rental property type. Some properties will need more frequent inspections than others.

If you have a larger duplex or family home, consider doing an inspection twice a year. Use that time to maintain the property and check everything is working as it should, like the HVAC system.

That frequency will stop problems from snowballing and ensure you have a happier tenant living in a well-maintained property.

If you run a larger property with multiple tenants and communal areas, you will want to schedule more frequent inspections, ideally three or four times a year.

Think about the type of tenancy you have, too. If your property has a high turnover of tenants, it's worth scheduling more frequent inspections.

But if you have a long-term, reliable tenant and a strong relationship, you may be able to stick to more infrequent inspections. That minimizes the intrusion and disruption for tenants you want to keep long-term.

Striking a Balance

Remember that tenants see the pros and cons of any property inspection. On the one hand, some tenants might see it as authoritarian monitoring of the property and may also dislike the invasion of their privacy.

For other tenants, they may welcome an inspection as a chance for you to resolve niggling problems with the property. They also might feel a sense of reassurance that you are taking a proactive approach to property maintenance.

The best way to find a balance is to speak to your tenant. Communication will help you persuade them of the benefits of an inspection. And it also gives you time to listen to their concerns about privacy or maintenance worries.

Rental Property Inspections: Protecting Your Investment

Your property may be the most expensive investment you own. So don't make the mistake of staying in the dark about its condition. Rental property inspections are a crucial part of real estate management.

Using a professional team for your property inspections can streamline your operations and remove the hassle from property management.

With nearly 20 years in the business, Stutts Properties Inc. offers the most trusted service in Alabama. Discover more here.
